
Radiation Oncology Program

The Medical Education department under the leadership of the Director works to ensure that our system of postgraduate medical education is established according to the internationally acceptable criteria and meet all the requirements of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP).

Program Director Message

Dr. Asif Masood

Residency Training Program in Radiation Oncology is one of the flourishing SHIFA International Hospitals’ postgraduate teaching programs. The section of Radiation Oncology has a mixed faculty, comprising of a flavor of youth and experience dedicated to train and groom, young aspiring residents, who are ambitious to pursue their career in this super-specialty. The integrated and structured program is well knitted to provide the residents training in various aspects of radiation oncology along with brief rotations in allied disciplines i.e. medical oncology, pathology, diagnostic & interventional radiology, pain and palliation, chemo daycare and surgical oncology.

The program gives our residents an opportunity to learn and practice modern oncological interventions including chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy and latest techniques in modern radiotherapy practices e.g. precision radiotherapy including IMRT, SIB- IMRT, and IGRT by virtue of department's state of the art equipment including LINACs, latest version treatment planning and management systems, HDR Ir 192 brachytherapy, 4D CT simulator, lead block cutting, quality assurance and quality checks IMRT tools. It is backed by team of dedicated medical and health physicists, dosimeters, radiation technologists and a modern diagnostic radiology department.

The department ensures a comprehensive academic environment not only in line with the requirements and guidelines of CPSP, but is also acceptable as training for FRCR (Clinical Oncology) ensuring penultimate patient care. Residents are trained not only through rotations, but also through 19 existing multidisciplinary meetings including tumor board meetings weekly and an intra-departmental meeting every month. Residents are groomed through case based discussions (CBD), mini CEX, direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS) long cases, journal clubs, mortality morbidity meetings, quality assurance meetings, biannual written MCQs and TOACS examination, BLS, ACLS, CPSP workshops, etc. Residents are encouraged to attend CME activities in-house, at National and International level. We also promote culture of acquiring knowledge to facilitate basic and advance research through close collaboration with Shifa Research Center. By virtue of JCIA accreditation the residents are accustomed to policies and procedures that inculcates safe and standardized practices transforming them to sound medical professionals who are capable of delivering quality health care anywhere in the World.

After 6 years of evolution, two of our trainees in fundamental years have successfully passed FCPS Radiation Oncology and one has also passed FRCR Clinical Oncology.

We welcome the aspiring residents in Radiation Oncology and assure transformation into a dependable, empathetic professional, capable of handling cancer patients independently towards the end of our FCPS residency training program.

Chief Resident Message

Chief Residents’ experience with our program

” I am a third year post graduate resident at Radiation Oncology Dept., recently entrusted with responsibilities of a CR. I completed 5 years of MBBS at Rawalpindi Medical University. After 1 year house job at Holy Family Hospital, I joined Dept. of Neurosurgery SIH as a medical officer where I worked for 1-1/2 years.

This year marks completion of my 2 years training at Radiation Oncology Dept. SIH. As a resident what remained important for me was my goal of covering the devised learning objectives for basic sciences and clinical oncology, allocated as per our program booklet. I am glad we were successful in achieving most of them and I feel confident and prepared to take my intermediate module (IMM) exam in coming months.

Looking back at my experience here, I feel driven. As a learner, I believe my residency program has helped me in honing self-directed learning. We get to shadow mentors, which has led to meaningful improvement in our foresight. We learn standardized teaching and training, safe practices as per JCIA recommendations contrary to what I saw in many government based/JCIA non accredited set-ups. We get the chance of first-hand interactions with patients which has helped us polish our clinical acumen and skill set. We are regularly assessed and given prompt feedbacks. We have allocated teaching hours per week and execution is for strict compliance. As a CR, I aim to lead a team of self-directed learners under guidance my mentors, practice team-work and positive interdependence, and sharpen our clinical foresight. It also brings my administrative and leadership abilities to the forefront. We are aiming to focus more on conducting research-based activities. This remains a challenge for us, and we plan to devise a strategy for that.

I believe the key to learning is the urge to stay a life-long student and to stay motivated. A conducive working environment is paramount for that. I can proudly say we as a team of young to-be-consultants are at the right place that brings the best Out of all of us. A sound work- life balance is also something to cherish. “
Dr. Maryam Noor Awan, 3rd year Resident

Download The Booklet Below:

The goals of Radiation Oncology ( Radiotherapy) Residency Training Program are to provide excellence in trainee education under highly trained and professionally sound supervision, in an environment which utilizes state of the Art radiotherapy equipment. The training encompasses compassionate, multidisciplinary patient care with concerns for quality of life and to foster new knowledge through scholarly activities in order to develop skilled radiation oncologists who will become recognized experts in the field. The training will provide a platform for the radiation oncology fellow to develop into a highly professional and dependable health care provider.

Residency training program in Radiation Oncology provides an environment rich for learning through out-patient, in-patient, emergency and on-call training through direct patient interaction and under supervision. The section ensures interactive discussions with peers, fellow colleagues and other trainees. The section is backed by medical oncology services, comprehensive back-up from modern radiology and pathology departments, blood banks, rehabilitation unit, ICU/PICU, wide range of sub-specialties, library, computers and electronic media. Trainees are encouraged and expected to utilize all these facilities to enhance their knowledge, clinical skills and expertise.

  • Program Director
  • Associate Program Director 
  • Chief Resident
  • Program Coordinator

The residency teaching program of the section of Radiation Oncology is a structured training program, offering clinical training in radiation oncology as per the requirements of the College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan.

The program provides an opportunity to function within the context of a multi-disciplinary team approach to cancer patients’ as an essential component of the training which warrants interacting effectively with specialists of other disciplines, nurses, unit receptionists, nutritionists, pharmacists, rehab staff, social services and other paramedical personnel. Specific rotation structure is strictly followed in order to coach the trainees in the most comprehensive system of working in a multidisciplinary team environment. 

The Resident learns to function in harmony with other members of the health care team and become proficient in interpersonal relationships and in the organization and overall management of patient care.

Over the training period, the Residency Program provides extensive experience and training to residents who acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to practice as an independent specialist. Term assessments are being conducted every 3-4 months per annum.

Each resident does an average of one full day in four on-calls within the Hospital premises, although occasionally 2 full days may be necessary.


Residents are evaluated by faculty every month, based on their rotation. Feedback is provided by the Program Director deputy and designated Supervisor every 3-4 months.

Annual TOACS and Year end PGME exams are conducted. In addition, formative assessments based on assorted topics may be arranged every 2-3 months.

  • Candidates are required to fill on-line application form. Please follow the steps mentioned below:
    1. Register yourself by defining user name and password.
    2. After your account is created, you will need to login to fill the Application Form. Programs offered will be displayed after registration.
    3. A candidate can apply for only one program at a time.
    4. Candidate may partially fill the form and save it on-line for resuming filling out the form later using login credentials.
    5. Once the on-line application form is filled and submitted, candidate would be able to take a printout.
    6. The hard copy of the on-line application form along with the required documents mentioned in the Application Form must be submitted to the PGME Office, Medical Staff Affairs either personally, through friends/relatives or through reliable courier service.

    7. Check your junk emails (in case of email not received).

    If there is still confusion, then follow these Steps

    Step 1. Register yourself
    Step 2. Check your email address and click on the received link
    Step 3. Login
    Step 4. Fill the Profile necessary information
    Step 5. Submit
    Step 6. Ok
    Step 7. Online Application Form
    Step 8. Select Program or Medical Officer
    Step 9. Select specialty
    Step 10. Submit
    Step 11. Print application form.

All residents are encouraged to get involved in audits and research projects, however research project as per CPSP requirements is mandatory for all.

  • MBBS or equivalent degree approved by the PM&DC, with 60 per cent or above marks in the final examination.
  • One year internship with six months in Medicine and allied and six months in Surgery and allied disciplines.
  • Candidates with FCPS Part I or equivalent.
  • Fresh graduates of less than four years are preferred.
  • The candidates are short-listed based on the MCQs examination scores and the parameters listed above. Final selection is made after a set of interviews with the faculty.